
Need some new links?

MOUNTAINS Description of nearly all the treks I've done. Swiss maps and orthophotos.
MeteoSwiss Swiss weather. Swiss snow and avalanche infos.
GeoPortail IGN Maps and orthophotos from France.
Guia Formentera All the information you need.
Spanish maps All the maps you need.
Agencia Estatal de Meteorología Spanish weather.
info flora Flower index in French, German and Italian (Switzerland).
Tela Botanica Flower index in French and English (France).
Herbari Virtual del Mediterrani Occidental Flower index in Catalan, Castilian and English (Spain).
Flora Catalana Flower index in Catalan (Spain).
Flora silvestre del Mediterráneo Flower index in Castilian (Spain).
Oiseaux Bird index in French and English (France).
vogelwarte Bird index in French, German, Italian and English (Switzerland).
Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (CSCF) Fauna index in French, German and Italian (Switzerland).
Liste des mammifères en Suisse (Wiki) Mammals index in French.